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Youth Baseball Signs

Youth Baseball Signs

Looking for some simple signs for youth baseball? Headbanger Sports wants to help your youth team stay ahead of the competition, and these simple baseball signs can help your team flawlessly communicate in secret every game. Since you can’t tell your players to steal a base out loud without giving it away, you need a signal to do so. Little league signals come in all shapes and forms, and your team can customize these to whatever works best for them. As your team is learning these easy baseball signs, it is important to teach them to look back at their coach between every play. Even If there is no message you need to deliver, they should be watching for your signal before every pitch. As a coach, you should be showing fake signals when there is no message to deliver as well, so the opposing team does not pick up on your signs.

Below are a few simple signs for your youth team:


For your baserunners, this message tells them that they will want to lead off with the intention of stealing a base. Stealing bases is one of the best ways to give your team an advantage, and as a coach, you should always be looking for the opportunity to advance your baserunners. We recommend using a touch of your sleeve to indicate this call. This distinct movement is easy to spot and is one your players will not forget.


Bunting is a great way to advance your baserunners and apply pressure on your opponent. This call is signaled to baserunners and the batter. The batter will line up normally, and as the pitcher winds up, they will take a bunt stance. As soon as the pitch is released, the baserunner knows they will need to take off towards the next base since a bunt is going to be attempted. We recommend using the touch of a belt to indicate this call. Since they both start with a B, it is an easy way for your youth team to remember.

We recommend creating a sequence of signals and hiding the message within. For example, a coach might start the game by telling players the second signal shown will be the sign the players will act on. This could change throughout the game to prevent sign stealing. Another method used is to create an indicator. This could be something like the touch of a hat. Once the hat is touched, the next signal shown would be the active sign for this play. 

No matter what method you choose, make sure your team is all on board and understands what signal they are looking for. Missed opportunities from failing to see the correct signal can put your players in bad situations. Discussing the plan and reviewing your signals before a game is important to your team’s success. As your team advances their skill sets, you can add even more signs. There are options like a hit and run, fake bunt, delayed steal, and many more that can give your team the competitive advantage needed to win. 

Are you looking for gear for your little league team? Find the best Bats, Balls, and other Gear here at Headbanger Sports.

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